We love to gather often as a church family and we welcome you to join us! Below you’ll see the different ministries and gatherings we have and what to expect.


 Sunday Gathering

Worship Begins @ 10:00am at OAKHILL CHRISTIAN CHURCH

1650 S. Oakhill Ave. Janesville, Wisconsin

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Our worship is a mixture of recently written Biblically faithful songs & modern hymns as well as Biblically faithful songs and hymns from the past. Along with doing our best to align worship and sermons thematically each Sunday, our primary structure for song order is to lead God’s people through 4 essential questions; Who is God, What Has He Done, Who Are We In Christ, and What Are We To Do. Every Biblically faithful worship song answers at least one of those four questions primarily and so we structure our worship to take God’s people through a glorious progression of answering each of these 4 questions as we worship together. We sing between 4 and 6 songs and hymns together each week!


The sermons at Oakhill are primarily expository preaching through books of the Bible verse by verse or thought by thought depending on the length of the passage. A couple times a year we will have a multi-week topical series in order to address something relevant to our church family as the Holy Spirit leads us. When necessary we will also have stand alone sermons to address pressing issues in our context or culture. Finally, we love to hear from our missionaries and partners in ministry and will make space for God to speak to us through them.


We partake in the Lord’s Supper together on the first Sunday of each month. Our elements are crackers and juice to represent the body of Christ broken and the blood of Christ shed for the forgiveness of our sins. The elements are symbolic but the time of remembrance is a very spiritually reverent and vital part of our lives in Christ.


We love our children and desire that they understand that their part in the body of Christ is just as important as anyone’s. While the toddlers typically go downstairs to kid’s church at the beginning of our gathering, the older children stay with us through our time of worship, then go downstairs to learn God’s Word through enthusiastic, qualified, and background checked children’s ministry volunteers. However, on the first Sunday of each month throughout the year, the older children stay upstairs with us for the whole service so they can participate in communion and hear the sermon. We call these first Sunday’s “Family & Communion Sundays”. On the other Sundays of the month when the older kids go downstairs, the primary curriculum we use to disciple them in is the Answers in Genesis curriculum. Our aim is not only to disciple the kids in the truth of God’s Word, but more importantly, to give parents the tools and support they need to disciple their children in the truth of God’s Word.

We currently have 3 spaces where our children grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus on Sunday mornings. Note each room has age overlap so you can find the best fit for your child.

“SEEDLINGS” is 0-3 years old

“SPROUTS” is 3-6 years old

“KIDZ CLUB” is K-5th grade

 Power in Prayer


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When we come together to pray, we keep it pretty simple. We refer to a list of prayer needs from the church as well as spend some time sharing what the Lord is pressing on our hearts that particular week. Then we break into smaller groups and we pray! We believe in the power of God through prayer and we look forward to having you join us as we seek Him for what only He can do. We do not provide childcare for this ministry but if you believe any of your kids are mature enough for deeper time in prayer, bring them with!


One of the beautiful aspects of prayer is that it unifies God’s people and draws us into deeper relationship with Him and one another. There is a wonderful depth of fellowship, friendship, and encouragement we gain when we seek God together in prayer.


Perhaps the most glorious part of praying together is sharing in the experience of seeing our prayers powerfully answered. Nothing really builds up your faith quite like witnessing God answer your prayers in the way that only He can. The power of God in prayer is very real and as followers of Christ, it is something we need to experience to strengthen our faith and help us not grow weary as we carry out fulfilling the mission of Christ in this life.

 Men’s Breakfast & Bible


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 What to Expect


Jesus ate with His first disciples often. As men, we share meals together to build fellowship and camaraderie around one of the good and essential things God created for human life, food!


Each time we gather as disciples of Christ, we open God’s Word to learn more fully who He is, what He has done, who we are as men in Christ, and how we shall live our lives as men of God for the glory of God. Being a disciple of Christ means submitting every area of our lives to the love, Lordship, and likeness of Jesus and then leading others to do the same. By gathering together over a meal and in His Word we have the opportunity to sharpen one another just as iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), and to mature one another to the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). We do this by opening God’s Word together regularly that we might learn from God directly and so sharpen one another as we submit ourselves to His all-sufficient and authoritative truth.


There is tremendous blessing in being connected to and invested in other men who are following Christ. The unity and brotherhood we have in Christ is very real and Christ commanded us to maintain and lean into that unity (Ephesians 4:1-16). In John 13:34-35 Jesus says, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” In and through Christ we have been called and empowered to offer one another strength, courage, camaraderie, wisdom, accountability, and love. No man is an island. We need Christ and we need Christ in and through each other. He has made us brothers, all having the same Father now and for all eternity.

 Ladies Bible Study





There are several ways to approach a Bible Study. Our primary approach is to go through one book of the Bible at a time taking on a short passage each week. In preparation for each gathering, ladies are encouraged to work through the passage beforehand answering 4 essential questions as they read. 1. Who is God? (His identity, nature, character, attributes, according to this passage) 2. What has He done? (or what is He doing or what will He do, according to this passage) 3. Who am I? (who was I before Christ and who am I now in Christ, according to this passage) 4. What do I do (what am I commanded or how shall I live, according to this passage). The discussion starts with these questions then flows into further questions and conversation as we learn how to apply God’s Word rightly to every area of our lives and then obey Him.


The beauty of coming together in God’s Word is that we get to build deeper fellowship with Him and each other based on the truth. As we learn each other’s stories, wonderful friendships develop and we learn to speak the gospel into each other’s stories and play a part in shaping one another to become more like Jesus Christ. He is our hope, joy, and our true unity. In Him alone we have become children of God.


From this community, ladies are able to grow in friendships and encourage one another through the daily challenges of life. God calls us to encourage one another and often the friendships you form in church community such as Bible study help you see that you are known and that you are not alone. Christ knows you and is with you and He has put others on this journey with you to truly know you and help you not lose heart as you pursue a life of faithfulness and joy in the Lord!